The school run - how to train your kids

The school run is one of those daily tasks that you always wish would go more smoothly but always seems to find new and interesting ways to go wrong.

School uniforms are never where they should be. Homework gets remembered 10 minutes before leaving the house. Gym bags need emptying of swimwear that’s been there for a week and now stinks, and refilling the bag with gym kit that will now smell a lot more like the swimming pool than it should.

Then, there’s lunch to make or lunch money to sort out. Not to mention getting everyone washed, with hair combed and teeth brushed, when all they want to do is play on tablets and take 40 minutes to put one sock on. You need a process.

Credit: Unsplash.

Credit: Unsplash.

Below are some of the more helpful tips I’ve come across on removing the stress from the school run.

You might want to think about printing a copy for each of your child’s bedrooms so that they know exactly what’s expected of them (need ink? Get up to 10% off if it’s your first order). Admittedly, preparation and sleep are two things kids are terrible at. But like anything, things will get better with time and practice.

Good luck!

Credit: Unsplash.

Credit: Unsplash.

Prepare prepare prepare

The more you prepare the night before, the better. This can be divided into categories:

●       Uniform

●       Homework

●       Pencil case

●       School books and textbooks

●       Gym kit - or any other clothes or footwear needed for things like break times or drama lessons.

●       Find jackets, coats, hats, gloves, and scarves now if needed

●       Anything extra you want to take to school?

●       Pack school bag and leave it by the door, ready to go

You may also want to think about anything you are doing after school, such as visiting a friend’s house or going to clubs. Preparing for this now will save time in the morning when you are against the clock!

Credit: Unsplash.

Credit: Unsplash.

Early to bed, early to rise

Go to bed on time and get up on time. Sleep helps you to grow and helps your brain to work during the day, which makes you happier.

Every time you press the snooze button is just another 10 minutes you could have spent getting ready, and that means an extra ten minutes playing games before school.

Get better sleep by switching off devices one hour before bed and doing something fun like watching a movie. Going to bed with a smile on your face is the best way to help your brain to switch off, and if you have any worries or things you want to remember for the morning, make a list and clear your mind.

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.