The Top Tips for Running a Bar at a House Party

Do you have a fun party coming up that you are hosting? If you really want to rock out, you might be thinking of having a bar at the party. Having a bar in your house is not like going to a bar at a restaurant. Furthermore, you are probably much more invested in the bar in your house than you are when you go to a bar at a restaurant. What are a few of the most important points that you need to keep in mind when you plan on having a bar at a house party? Take a look at a few key tips below, and make sure your house party is a success.

Credit: Unsplash.

1. Put Down a Tarp

If you want to have a bar at your house, you must make sure that you put down a tarp. Ideally, you can put the tarp directly under whatever counter you have used as a bar. No matter how clean you think you are, you are probably going to spill something. If you don't spill something, then your guests probably will. You do not want your floors to get wet, particularly if you have wooden floors. They might warp. You should also tape the tarp into place. That way, you don't have to worry about it slipping, sliding, and getting crumpled during the night. You might even want to use the tarp to encourage your guests to form a line.

2. Have Coolers and Refrigerators at the Bar

If you want to follow the best Absolut drink recipes, you need to use cold ingredients. You do not want to hold up the line, so make sure the drinks are behind the bar. While there are some drinks that you might be able to sit on a shelf without refrigeration, you need to ensure the ingredients that should be cold are cold. For example, you should keep the beer in a cooler behind the bar. If you have fruit juice, you need to ensure it is refrigerated. While red wine shouldn't be warm, room temperature is fine. On the other hand, white wine needs to be kept cold. For convenience and quality, make sure you have a refrigerator behind the bar.

3. Give Your Guests Napkins

Finally, you want to make sure that you pass napkins out to your guests with the drinks. There are a few reasons why this is so important. First, you never know when someone will spill something. If they do so, they will be more likely to clean it up if they already have a napkin. Second, you don't want water rings to end up all over your furniture. The napkins will prevent that from happening. Finally, napkins can also be used to hold food, keeping it from ending up on the ground. For all of these reasons, have some large napkins to pass out to your guests. They can save you a lot of stress after the party is over. 

Run a Successful Bar at Your House

In the end, you can have an amazing bar even if you have a house party, but you need to make sure you protect your house. You want to ensure that your guests have a great time, but you need to make the cleanup process easy as well. You might need to go to the store to pick up a few items, but it will be worth it because your bar will do its job and you don't have to worry as much about your house getting harmed. Consider having a bar at your next house party!

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.