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How to Raise an Inquisitive Child

Curiosity fuels us to keep learning new things, small children tend to be extremely inquisitive as they have new experiences almost daily and have so much to learn.

Encouraging our children to keep their curiosity flame burning will help ensure their passion for learning remains alight well into their adult years. An independent school in Hertfordshire has shared their advice on how to raise an inquisitive child so that their love of learning may be a lifelong asset. 

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Lead by Example 

Children model their behaviour on that of their parents, meaning if you take interest in learning new things your children are likely to follow suit. Although we sometimes feel like we should have all the answers, it may be beneficial to show our children that's not always the case, as this demonstrates that learning is an ongoing endeavour.

Be expressive and enthusiastic when you discover something new, even if this involves a little amateur dramatics. 

Shake up Your Routine 

Babies and toddlers discover new things almost daily, firing up their curiosity. As children get a little older and settle into a routine they may have less and less opportunity to uncover new experiences. You can combat this by switching up their routine.

Even walking a different route to school could captivate their attention and get them engaging with their surroundings more mindfully. Taking trips to a zoo or museum will expose children to new sights and experiences, prompting them to ask questions to find out more. 

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Encourage Questions 

It’s easy when you’re busy or stressed to brush off questions your children may ask, though it's really important that you take the time to stop and engage with them. As they say, there are no silly questions.

Asking questions is your child's way of trying to feed their curiosity and this should be encouraged as much as possible. If you dismiss a child’s question, they may be more reluctant to ask something else in the future which could begin to erode their natural inquisitiveness.

Go the extra mile and ask them leading questions yourself, ask them what they think of something or why they think something is the way it is, to encourage them to think a little deeper.

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.

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