3 Tips For Maintaining Your Lawn

Your lawn is the frame of your home.  How it looks can control how people view your house, and by extension, how they view you. 

Every detail can be pushed to the extreme to give your home a look and feel that you crave.  Here are three essential ways to help maintain your yard, and help make it the lawn of your dreams besides just mowing every Saturday.

Credit: Unsplash.

Credit: Unsplash.

Keep Up With Weeding and Pruning

Small details can add up to a picture you might not like.  If your yard is cluttered with weeds, or you have trouble keeping your shrubs and bushes in line- it shows when people look at your yard.  You shouldn't go overboard and make every tree in your yard into a bonsai that needs constant grooming but keep up with what your plants need.  Trim to keep a shape that you think makes the shrub look good, or that possibly makes it go with your home.

Weed little by little.  By plucking weeds for five minutes a day every day, you can keep the problem down.  It's only a problem when you let it get out of hand, and your yard gets filled with hundreds of dandelions when you'll have to spend a significant amount of time on it.  Working on it in small amounts throughout your week will keep you from feeling burnt out and save some time in the long run.

Credit: Unsplash.

Credit: Unsplash.

Water With Purpose

With the summer heat setting in hard and fast, it's paramount that your grass and plants get enough water.  You can use an automated water system if you don't have the time for it, but otherwise, a hose is all you need. 

The best time to water your yards is when the sunlight isn't directly on it.  Water might magnify the sunlight and fry your grass instead of helping it.  Watering at night means you can avoid the heat, and make sure your grass grows damage free.  

Ensure that if it rains, your automated sprinklers are off, or you run the risk of flooding your yard, which can be terrible.

Credit: Unsplash.

Credit: Unsplash.

Aerate Your Soil

This step is one many homeowners skip, even though it helps guarantee that your yard will be healthier for longer.  Aeration is vital to your grass because it ensures that air gets down to the roots.  Compacted soil can keep your lawn from growing and make it more susceptible to drying or dying.  There are dozens of kinds of tools you can use to achieve this, and it's something that absolutely must not get skipped. 

If you think your lawn is too far gone, start looking at Omaha houses for sale instead of working to rebuild the yard you have.  There's no instant thing you can do to make your grass look good, even putting down sod means you'll have to wait two weeks for it to root

Do a little work bit by bit, and it will add up into a beautiful lawn that you'll want to walk barefoot on.

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