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How to build confidence and love yourself first

Starting the dating process is always daunting but you can begin with a much more content and calm disposition if you have the right mindset.

Some people breeze through this area of their lives and even enjoy it so how can you channel this energy and have a wonderful experience.?

Credit: Unsplash.

How to build self-confidence at home?

The first consideration should be what types of beliefs you hold and if these are true or healthy. Often we have a negative idea of ourselves which has an effect on our self-esteem over a long period of time. We attribute rejection from others to our own failures when usually these are just about natural incompatibility.

Try to write down each of these negative beliefs and think about when they first raised their ugly head. When you put these down on paper you notice where there is a feeling of sadness but that factually you hadn’t done anything wrong.

Credit: Unsplash.

How to be happy and confident in life?

The next step is to think about your positive qualities in relation to all areas of your life not just dating.

Think about what you would like in your life as a whole. Another person being in your life is part of this fulfillment but not all of it.

Where do you want to live? What makes you most happy? Which hobbies do you enjoy?

We attract people to us the most when we are engaged in other activities which light us up. If you focus on making yourself happy you draw others towards you.

When going through this process you will also realise which type of person you want around you. Don’t just consider if someone will have you! Are they the type of person who suits your life plan?

If they don’t have the same values or live their life very differently, the relationship will not last long.

This is about you finding happiness, not finding just anyone who comes along.

If you’re going to use free uk dating sites which is the best way to meet someone at the moment, Match Me Happy believe building your own self-confidence is key to making the best choices.

How to improve self-esteem?

It’s easy when you think about meeting someone to consider what they will think about you. How they will see you? Will they be impressed or not?

However, try and reframe how you think about this. The most important thing is how you see yourself!

What are your best qualities? What do you bring to a relationship? Why is this a gift?

When you start to realise that you get to choose if you would like to date someone. That you are not waiting to be chosen by someone else it’s quite empowering.

If this confidence is offputting to your date then they aren’t the correct person for you.

Credit: Unsplash.

What’s the key to self love?

The most successful way to build your confidence and love of yourself is to stop trying to be perfect and stop looking for it in others.

We are all a little flawed, these are what create the intricate personalities we have, our sense of humour and much more.

Equally don’t look for the perfect partner as they also don’t exist.

Look for imperfection and kindness in others and yourself. Accept that this is who you are and what will bring you the most happiness for your future.

Disclosure: This is collaborative post.